HSS TAP BSW TAPER-5/16X18 3028-5/16T
Bordo 5/16" x 18 BSW Taper HSS Tap 3028-5/16T
Annular Cutters achieve burr-free finished holes without the need for pre-drilling or step drilling. faster and more accurate than
using standard HSS twist drills.
Bordo Annular Cutters are CNC ground and feature multi-cut geometry for smooth and fast cutting. The precision ground flutes
run the entire length of the cutter providing efficient chip removal.
Bordo Annular Cutters feature a 3/4" universal shank that suits most standard machines including Hougen, Slugger, Rotabroach,
Rotabest and Nitto.
increased cutting speed
reduced tooth load
minimized tool wear
extended tool life
close tolerance drilling without runout
reamed quality, burr free finished holes